#these noted are kind of unhinged
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smaller-comfort · 1 year ago
AHHHHHHHHH oh my god how is it over 6000 words what the hell.
This fought me so hard, but it more or less ended up where I wanted it. Resh'an gets to be a little bit weird sometimes, as a treat.
Notes below the cut.
Posting this story as a chaptered work instead of a one shot probably made the whole thing seem a lot cooler and more mysterious than it actually ended up being.
I hope the reveal is satisfying, but I honestly can't tell anymore! My google doc clocks in at nearly 10k words. It's an absolute mess.
Ultimately both Resh'an and Aephorul make stupid mistakes, frequently. We just see the aftermath of Aephorul's fuckups more often in the game. Sure, they're basically gods, but Resh'an can't even remember that he stuck a cork in his hat on a good day. Aephorul's first response to any minor inconvenience is to murder something. They are terrible at this.
I cut a whole lot of stuff about Aephorul wanting to be human again. There's an epilogue scene that I didn't write where he dismantles his lab- the world eater he was keeping dormant there primarily served as a power source. He drains off all the energy of those devoured souls and uses it to transform himself back into the body he remembers having when he was alive.
It only lasts for a few minutes, and every second is agonizing. The price of inmortality: he can never get back what he lost. He'll destroy the universe trying, though.
Originally Resh'an was a lot more of an asshole- or rather, Aephorul perceived him as being more of an asshole- and that's partly what I was struggling with in writing this chapter.
I considered leaning into the time loop shenanigans and including all of the stuff that I cut as one of the other 26 iterations that Resh'an experienced. That felt excessive, though.
Resh'an was definitely lying at least a little when he said he didn't remember much of the times when he wasn't lucid.
I keep making accidental locked tomb references. I swear I don't mean to.
"If we're awful together, I can't even imagine how much worse we'd be on our own." Still probably my favorite line, although the one about laboratory precautions in the third chapter makes me laugh a lot. Their bickering is a lot of fun.
Resh'an's ears aren't the only thing Aephorul pierced when they were younger. (It was his nipples. Aephorul absolutely pierced Resh'an's nipples.) (His were already pierced when they met.) (It's my sexy AU, okay, I can do what I want.)
Resh'an's terrible poetry:
Hang my heart in the sky
And see it outshine the sun
For love of you
Am I more embarrassed by this than any of these characters ever could be? 💯 That's where the series name comes from, anyway.
These guys have invented sex acts that are probably illegal in at least three separate worlds. Of course Resh'an thinks being dismembered is sexy, he's got the depression. I don't fucking know.
At some point I'm going to end up writing skullfucking and it's going to be like the assassin's creed stump fucking kinkmeme fill all over again.
I am so, so sorry I just wrote that sentence!
I will probably post some of those cut sections here tomorrow.
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shannonsketches · 8 months ago
Every time I talk to a DB fan who doesn't know or doesn't agree that the whole franchise is an adventure comedy first and an action series second I feel insane but then I find an old Toriyama interview,
You made some comedic scenes where you have minor villains Pilaf & co. appear; how did you come up with a balance between laughs and fierce battles? Do you pay attention to the difference between comedy and battle in making a work “entertaining”?
I believe that, when you combine comedy and serious battles, both of them might come alive even more. As for me personally, though, I much prefer drawing dumb jokes to battle scenes.
as a bonus, every time I'm like 'idk I didn't really like most of the DBZ movies prior to Yo Son Goku and Friends Return and BotG,' and get the 'whAAaaT they're so gOOD' (from my brother, tbh askdjs) but they all seemed really Action-Drama and About the Fight Scenes and I'm like 'meh kinda boring tbh' I get to gaze upon,
In the latest movie, Toriyama-san, you participated in the production from the scriptwriting stage for the first time. What is the reason for that? Was there anything you noticed in coming face-to-face with the work after so long?
I was told about a project for Dragon Ball in its first animated film in a long while, and I read the story outline; while the beings “Beerus, God of Destruction” and “Super Saiyan God” (which goes above Super Saiyan) were interesting, the themes were heavy, and I felt that the world was a bit different from Dragon Ball. Rather than telling them about this or that problematic spot, I thought it would be faster if I just wrote it out concretely, and while I had intended just to give them a model―”for example”―my hand wouldn’t stop, and ultimately, I ended up writing almost everything, including the dialogue. I am reflecting on the fact that I did something terribly rude to the scriptwriter.
Akira "It was bad so I fixed it, oops" Toriyama, Absolute Legend
#I saw someone on Reddit say Toyotarou's Super was “sloppy bad fanfiction” and “WHAt was Toriyama thinking” as if Toriyama didn't write#the outlines and personally approve reject and give notes to Toyotarou the entire time aklsjdaljk#Like baby tell me you've never read the manga without telling me kljsajdka#Tell me you've Never Read Toriyama's Writing Even One Time without telling me#god i can't imagine what the original botg was going to be if Beerus' name was Virus#Toriyama looked at a Goku Saves the Day script and went “What if Goku loses immediately and needs Everyone's Help in order to even compete”#“What if this movie was about Vegeta and how much he's grown actually. What if Dragon Ball was idk... like...fun and meaningful”#“What if Goku gets his ass beat right away and can't win this fight even WITH help What if the best he can do is just Be Entertaining”#I hope you are enjoying your afterlife mr t i love your choices so so so much#Like my ABSOLUTE respect to the directors and board artists and animators and actors and crew who do amazing work in those films#but 90% of toei's producers and staff writers can meet me in the pit tbqfh#like granted it's been a long time but I feel like I enjoyed the REALLY old ones like Tree of Might and Worlds Strongest??#But Broly was SUCH a huge turn off and the future trunks movie was kind of my last straw for caring about any of the EU stuff askldj#gen the only part of the anime I like at all anymore are some of the unhinged choices the dub cast makes because you can tell#that they're having fun when they're not spending six hours screaming into a mic and that is extremely valuable to me
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beastsovrevelation · 9 months ago
I had another Good Omens fanfiction dream this morning.
Basically, Crowley was due to give birth. You might ask, Pestilence, what's with you and Crowley being pregnant?.. The answer is, I don't know, and neither does my therapist.
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So, Crowley's due to give birth, he's scared and in pain. Beelzebub shows up, along with a few other demons (I guess I'll look through the Key of Solomon, I remember a few have to do with healing). She told him they'll support him. I have a feeling, the dream adhered to my idea that Crowley and Beelzebub are siblings (in spite Beelzebub looking like she does in S2, so Indian).
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Crowley had to change to his snake form, because while his human form was male (so he couldn't give birth without surgery, which was too dangerous), his snake form was female. The demons put him in a whelping box (genius idea). Crowley gave birth to either 4 or 6 baby snakes (apparently, they're called snakelets). It was a live birth, which, fun fact, some snakes do give (i think boa constrictors, and snake Crowley kind of looks like one, aside from the colouring). The baby snakes then morphed to human form. I don't think Crowley nearly died, but he lost a lot of blood, and got extremely exhausted. No, it probably wasn't realistic to how snakes actually give birth.
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(They were far larger, though)
Oh, and at some point, Aziraphale found out, but someone (possibly Beelzebub) forbade him from coming, because an angel's presence would distress the babies, and they wouldn't take human form. They could also die.
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No, I don't think Aziraphale was the "father". The babies were demons, while, according to my headcanons, when an angel procreates with a demon, the baby's an angel, as it's the original form (though, they do retain some demonic features). Maybe, Crowley mated with an actual snake, or something... It would be very Greek and Norse god of him, but what the Heaven, dude... I guess, Beelzebub could act as the litter's she-father, once the two had reconciled. Which, is a word I use for maternal figures who, traditionally, would be considered more paternal. You know, kind of emotionally detached, more provider than carer, often absent, that sort of deal.
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This is incoherent, but I only remember fragments. I guess, I will put it down in my notes for the future. I already did. (I'm kind of tempted to write the birth scene, I like writing birth scenes, they're brutal).
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Don't you just have a love/hate relationship with when you are already swamped with WIPs, but the Fanfiction Gods send you another vision?..
Also, don't you just hate it when you give birth to a litter of snakelets, with the help of your coworkers, and your estranged sister.
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What the Hell do you even name that many damn whelps...
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aroaessidhe · 6 months ago
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2024 reads / storygraph
Girls Night
YA contemporary
four unlikely girls are thrown together and decide start a fight club at their girls school, and quickly become friends
but things start to get out of control, putting their friendships and safety at risk, and they must decide whether to keep hold of the club or each other
4 POVs, all sapphic, a deaf MC
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waitineedaname · 5 months ago
Yo, friendo What's the best way to consume these funny doomed men I keep seeing?
( Didn't mean it literality, but I can't help but think that the answer is with spice )
depends on which ones!! there are two series I've been posting about a lot, both by the same author: SVSSS and MDZS!
Scum Villain's Self-Saving System/SVSSS is a book series, and you can read it physically (which I did through my local library for the first two books) or online on the Internet Archive or Anna's Archive (which I did for the last two books when I got too impatient to wait on my holds). It also has a ten episode long donghua called Scumbag System that covers most of the first book and it's terrible (affectionate). You can find that one on youtube or most anime pirating sites. In short summary, SVSSS is about a terminally online dude getting isekai'd into the villain of a webnovel he absolutely hates, and in his attempt to avoid the villain's horrible death he sends the story completely off the rails. It's unhinged, hilarious, and everyone in the series is a complete freak <3 It's only four books long (three of which are the main plot and the fourth is extras)
MDZS/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation is also a book series by the same author! Similarly, you can check your public library or the Internet Archive and Anna's Archive. It also has a donghua (which I haven't watched) and a wildly successful live action drama called The Untamed (which is how I initially got into the series!). The Untamed is available on Netflix and Youtube and probably other places. It does make some significant changes due to censorship reasons and it is extremely cheesy, but I enjoy it. If you want more classical tragedy, I'd say start with The Untamed, and if you want more gay necromancy shenanigans, I'd say start with the books! In short summary, it's about the life and death and second life of Wei Wuxian as he goes from war hero to widely reviled necromancer, and it's quite fun. The book series is five books long, and The Untamed is 50 episodes long. I have a character guide for that one if you need it because the names do get confusing!
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juicedaloe · 1 year ago
constantly thinking about kabru's parasocial relationship with laios. kabru swearing up and down that stalking this random man is for the good of humanity. like okay
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Transformers folks
I understand the impulse.
But why are we giving the robots dicks? Don't misunderstand me, I literally could care less, but why are we not getting funky with it? Why's it got to be a spike on the pelvis in the entrance?
We've got a body that can, theoretically, feel any range of anything across its entire surface and below, or even outside of it, including pleasure and well beyond, and we're just. Goin' straight past that to good ol' biological framed interfacing?
I could get explicit in my examples but we have access to FULL BODY INTERFACING WITH A HUNDRED DIFFERENT ENGAGEMENT METHODS AND RANGES! That leaves literally ANYTHING open!
Cybertronians could be their own bloody vibrators, they could get off to getting cut open and put back together, they could get off to entirely merging consciousnesses and interacting in the code, I could go on, those are just the uncreative examples.
Fair sparks, ignore my advice if you please, but I'd recommend getting in touch with the mech & pilot & handler community and groups related. It can go so much farther than just. Slapping penises and vaginas on the metal aliens made of code strings and unobtanium when you've got an entirely blank canvas to play with here.
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secondpersonpoetry · 2 months ago
hi!!!!! haven’t been able to get any coherent thoughts down yet but i just wanted to let you know i Have been rotating your post in my mind…….was thinking about it in the back of multiple ubers today…..rain pattering against the window…………like, oh my goodness! YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!! wishing you well. hope you have a safe, healthy, and happy new year!! 💗
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"enough music", dorianne laux
#have been trying for SO long to find you the rain on the windows poem i wanted. needless to say i did not succeed.#but! dorianne laux does evoke the kind of emotion the backseat in the rain conveyed to me#and it is very much a poem about not having the things to say so. fitting.#liv in the replies#happy new year to you too!!!!! thank you <3#also on a side note. for my brain.#maybe it's what we don't say that saves us#UNHINGED line thank you. i don't have the narratives presently but my god they're there.#thinking about journeymen and long road trips and that one chris driedger article about driving up and down all the time#and YES OK FINE I WILL TAG IT#the caterpillar and the chrysalis#the chrysalis and the caterpillar#maybe one of these days i should figure out which tag is the proper one and condense it but today is not that day.#it is purely i think for the sake of the 'we stopped once or twice' (trades) the journey metaphorical but you were always on the same road#the same path/end together. seeing the same lines out the window. a long drive (love) talked enough listened enough enough music#(unrelatedly to that but to the view where did i put all my roadkill poems because also: the blur out the window.)#enough music who's the fuckass locker room dj two old men with their audiobooks lmao (enough! maybe one listening by force & not by choice)#and the enough repetition makes me think of the other poem that goes enough seen enough had enough kiss the dumb animal ->#ltir retirement 'the cry of the body—and you always want to give it what it wants. but i must say no—enough / with more tenderness'#how you know when to quit. the cry of the body/heart never to stop with a) when you can no longer make a fist but b) the one i had#about pain & motion & only finding out when you stop re: fibulas i think & dance. the ache of no motion the heart against its own best time
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grokebaby · 2 years ago
Okay more attention for Mewmew as well time to make a wall of text talking about em.
Can you imagine how hard it must be to remain optimistic and cringily whimsical in a world like this? Especially with the kind of life Mewmew has faced? M joined the galactic alliance initially to, ykno, play heroics when times were different, mew was younger and the world felt easier to conquer (in the non evil way ofc). Then splash, witness mass death, large scale disasters and violence. Did you know Mewmew never told the alliance m had the normal cat form? That's how m was able to move on to a different, more peaceful life. Can you imagine the scoffs, eyerolls, condescendion and covert bullying one gets when they talk in Uwuish naturally, can you imagine trying to train yourself out of it? Out of the way you feel most comfortable talking in?
Quite literally hiding the softer side of yourself from others to remain strong and retain respect from your peers.
Evilicus was of course the meanest about any mannerisms or speech style Mew let slip but that'd be expected of a nasty personality like them. But the people who are supposed to work beside you, quipping about it even after knowing that that's just how you naturally talk, for some time now? Ouch.
Imagine, Mewmew having to exist beside stern serious faces who lament about the poor state of the world, as if it's the default? As if it's how it always will be? Imagine, being told how naive and, frankly, stupid you are for believing otherwise. "Maybe you're not suited to working here" they told mew, because m had the audacity to say No, the world is a very beautiful and hopeful place, and living beings don't naturally default to selfishness. No, not even demonic entities. "I'm sure-" Mew said, "I'm sure even Evilicus' goons laugh and live a little between battles, I'm sure of it! I'm sure they don't all hate the world and wish for destruction, of course they don't! I'm sure, many of them are scared and tired!"
"Well, that's too bad", they replied to Mew. "Doesn't change the situation, and there's nothing we can really do about it".
Yeah, obviously. But are you people allergic to acknowledging it? Stop celebrating over seas of corpses just because they belong to the opposing side. "They're monsters! We're allowed to feel accomplished for saving this lot!" - at the cost of lives. Thinking, feeling lives. "It's war. Get used to it"
"Maybe I don't want to get used to it.." Mew thought. Too late to back out just yet, though. Evilicus' powers grow by the day, and it's too big of a risk to ignore. "Just this one." Mew thought, "Just take care of this one, then you can leave and finally see a happy face around. Then you can rest. The world just needs to be saved, and this threat detained." m told mewself every night. Then - Maybe then, mew can go back to being ms most genuine self. The one that talks in nyas with a straight face.
Evilicus is defeated, great work team! Time to finish them.
What? Like, kill them?
Obviously. Imagine how much suffering Evilicus caused. Obviously kill them. They deserve it.
"Regardless of if they do -" Mew argued "It doesn't fix anything now! We need to focus on rehabilitation over punishment!"
Seriously, Mewmew? That's insulting.
"Is it..?" is it so insulting to want all life - evil, wicked, nasty life too, to have it's own value? No matter what? Does the value of your life decrease the more you hurt people? Is it really equality if your value can decrease through your actions? Is that humane?
"Just this one", mew thought. "Save one life more, and then you can go home and be done with it." save Evilicus, and that'll be the last heroic deed you do, Mew told mself. And then you'll have done enough world changing, and can focus on simply making people smile.
And that persistent, hardheaded mf kitty did it. Mewmew saved one more life, arguably the most wicked of all, the one least deserving of a hero. Rest well earned.
But it's not so cut and dry, is it? Nothing really is. Evilicus now lives - on unwanted time ofc. Someone doesn't simply disappear after being defeated (no matter how much they'd want to). Evilicus shows up, and of course, time to still help this one wicked, nasty life to carry on. Patch them up, feed them, and send them off again. Then Mewmew can rest easy once more, knowing m didn't leave a helpless person (a wicked, horrible person) to suffer and potentially, slowly die.
But it's not so simple, is it? It never fucking is. Evilicus is an asshole, frankly, and wears Mewmews patience to the minimum, even outright hurting em in the process. Why do you still bother. Why are you still so fucking kind. Aren't you tired of it.
And Mewmew says "No, I'm not. I won't get tired of being kind. That's impawsible!"
But nothing is impawsible, as Mewmew used to say.
However, it pays off, doesn't it? Imagine, being nice and decent to the worst person you know, it does actually make a difference. You can actually make a difference. Imagine. Evilicus can indeed feel remorse. You can't believe it either but it's happening?
Mewmew finally sighs a small sigh of relief. Maybe now, we can rest easy. Could you imagine?
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jensensitive · 10 months ago
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why is van gogh's first sermon so destiel-core, why are dean and cas literally each other's religion 😭 (just change out "jesus" for "love")
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years ago
hi so so sorry if this sounds genuinely deranged but I need to know did you write a fanfiction in like 2014 that was set during ww2 where zoro from one piece was sent to a japanese internment camp and sanji went to conversion therapy I remembered it recently because it blew my mind at age 13 and I had to reread it + need a kind of where are they now with the author so if that's you 1) what's your stance on the fic today 2) how much of the research was done during writing and how much did you just know beforehand and used as inspo 3) did you have any ideas for where the other characters ended up because I did always wonder if like idk chopper overcame the trauma of being in the war and also just what usopp's situation would be in general what with the political climate. once again. if you didn't actually write this fic so sorry this must look like the ravings of a crazy person. godspeed
Hi. Uh, yeah I did write that fic. I would have been like only 17 at the time. I did do A LOT of research, like the fic was basically an excuse for me to research Japanese internment and WWII history in general bc I thought it was super fucked up. I was absolutely hyperfixated on the topic and my parents probably thought i was nuts for my ability to talk at length on this particular area of history. I just finished skim reading back through the fic and woof. What a bleak fucking story. I was very cruel to everyone. It's frustrating bc I think it's an interesting and compelling idea for a story. But to me it feels like: here is all the research I did and also characters talking in what feels like a too modern way. Plus, I was 17 and didnt understand people very well. I wish I had the energy and motivation to rewrite it. Although, I forgot I used to do song lyrics at the start of each chapter and the tonal dissonance of Owl City lyrics at the top of a chapter of harrowing events around the time of WWII is unfathomablly unhinged.
#as for where r they now? i forgot the last chapter was like fuck u nothing matters life goes on sanji probably died of lung cancer#like jesus dude calm down. i think now id give them a bit of a softer ending#like i mean sanji still prob dying of lung cancer but he lives a long life with zoro and thry make the most of the time they have together#and i mean when u see horrific things in war i imagine its something u never really get over but i think the crew members that became#soldiers go on to live fuffilling lives and usopp finds a stable and relatively well paying job. gets married and lives happily ever after#god. its so frustrating to me that ill probably never rewrite this. it could habe been so good#but i just dont have thst kind of energy. i do think abt this fic more than almost all my other tho#im glad u liked it anon. its a fucking unhinged fic just from the perspective of: rural ohio teen wants to research a fucked up aspect of#ww 2 history and decides to write a fucking fanfic abt it. like bro what why. but idk weird weird times#there could have been themes and exploration of trauma and adversity. complex relationships. but no u get cringe written by a child#and now at the age of nearly 26 i am old and tired. christ thst was almost 10 years ago. i was a whole different human#weird the fanfics that stick with u. i have many i think abt from hs. wonder where the authors r now...#unrelated#i also forgot that in the authors nots i was like: if u r a n4zi fucking kill yourself.#which i standby but i was not expecting to see thst in the notes of a one piece fic i wrote as a kid good god
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true-blue-sonic · 2 years ago
Any chance we could see a small snippet or sentence of the most recent thing you've been working on?
I have something! I'm working on a fic wherein Silver's various ways of giving people affection is discussed, following from an ask if Silver's methods there would differ a lot from the more conventional ways of the past. And they certainly do! I've thought up like four or five ways with a different 'story part' written about it, with an ending one from Silver's POV where he and Espio discuss this. There might still be a lot to change, since in that ending part I found a nice overarching sentence that I would like to incorporate further into the other parts, but here is the first one! I hope you enjoy🍀
It is almost surprising to Espio how quickly he adapted to having Silver around.
It has only been two weeks or so since the hedgehog decided he would stay in the past forever, and the chameleon could swear this is how his life has always been, happy and content with Silver at his side in a way he had never known was possible.
Of course, there are some oddities both he and Silver are still working on to get used to. Like the hedgehog’s awful sleeping schedule: convincing him to not wake up Espio during the various times he shot awake at night with cuddles and purrs galore had taken some time. Or Espio’s worries about introducing Silver to new foods – what if he doesn’t like it or he has an allergy? – despite Silver’s stomach of steel and willingness to try anything, for better or worse. Or the hedgehog’s occasional skittishness when going out on the streets, eyes flicking around warily as if a monster can jump on him at any moment or the people might chase him away. It’s just minor things in the grand scheme of it all and Espio loves helping his beloved with getting to know this wondrous world of the past, but still, there are some things both he and Silver are still very much exploring together when it comes to the limited knowledge his psychic has about them.
Like giving and receiving affection and grabbing someone’s attention, for example.
With a deep frown Espio sighs, the sound reverberating against the silence otherwise keeping the living room of the Chaotix in its grasp. For a change, he sits not on the couch or at the lockers; he’s found himself the unlikely occupant of Vector’s desk chair instead. The creaky old thing digs in his back uncomfortably, no doubt from all Vector’s roughhousing on the poor piece of furniture, and yet there is one thing causing Espio even more woes.
Their taxes.
Who Vector had been putting off so long Espio has kicked both him and Charmy out of the house to go make them some money while he tried to go budget having a whole new member in their household.
But it has to be done, the chameleon knows as well, and thus his hand swiftly changes between a red and a black pen to make copious notes on their spreadsheet. Even if he has adapted to having Silver around so easily, it does not mean that their expenses stay the exact same. Luckily neither has their income, because Espio – perhaps slightly immorally – has realised that having two cute-looking children at his side does occasionally knock some more dough out of people’s pockets than if he had gone alone. And luckily Sonic and Amy and everyone else are heavily engaged with welcoming Silver to the past and bring over the occasional food pallet or items necessary for hedgehog care as well, which is something the Chaotix then also do not need to pay for, but even when considering all those tiny benefits it does still seem that their financial situation has become quite a bit more-
Something wet trails over Espio’s elbow.
Vector’s chair rattles madly as Espio yelps and flinches, his spines colliding painfully with the seat’s back and a deep scratch of black marring the spreadsheet from his hand shooting sideways. “What-?!” the chameleon huffs out, staring at his right side with comically spooked wide eyes...
Silver, nestled against the side of the chair with a picture book in his hands, merely looks back amusedly.
“Hello,” Espio is the first to speak up, which makes a laugh spill out of Silver’s mouth.
“Did I scare you, Es?”
“Did you lick my elbow?” the chameleon retorts at that, rubbing the offended bit of his body. It’s all... nasty and a bit cold, blegh.
Silver for his part scuffles until he’s half-turned around, chin propping itself up on the side of the chair’s seat and golden eyes peering at Espio lovingly. “I said your name, but you were so busy, you didn’t hear me. But that worked, no?”
“Silver, you can’t just lick people to grab their attention. That is considered rude and gross,” Espio jumps into a lecture, making sure his elbow is wiped perfectly clean. Sure, he’s overreacting, but the idea of just randomly getting licked to give him the shivers.
“But don’t we do the exact same when kissing?” the prompt retort comes immediately... and Espio can’t exactly argue with that.
A fond smile unfurling on his lips at his beloved’s innocent response Espio skitters his fingers behind the other’s ears. “Only lick me, nobody else, and only if you have to,” his final orders come, followed by a pondering hum from the hedgehog.
Espio quickly figures that means said hedgehog will take the ‘only lick me’ part very well to heart there.
But he simply has to admit Silver is right about the kissing, so he truly can’t be too peeved about it.
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save me local historical attraction
local historical attraction save me
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paralianprince · 2 years ago
🥀 bleeding heart: what would push your muse over the edge? what would make them give up the belief in all they've ever known? embrace evil, or vice versa, embrace good?
This is HARD.
I could be edgy and go into the “fort madness” angle, wherein literally just the mere act of Being There has a good 50/50 chance of demolishing someone’s mental health, as if it thinks it’s the overlook hotel or something??
Buuut i dont want to! Because 1. that would not be something Peter did on purpose, so it would collapse the premise of the question, 2. in most cases it doesnt make people cruel, it makes them paranoid. And 3. that would be so trite !!!!
But thinking about this, and why it’s so hard for me, made me think about how strong his paladin theming can be
(was born with the purpose to fight evil and protect people, in the MOST LITERAL way possible. 8000 ac. Legally impossible to kill, apparently. Leadership qualities, wants joy to flourish in the world but he's also kind of a hardass. He learns about history from an outside perspective - everyone he knows has an extensive back catalogue of suffering from before he was even a thought in the mind of god. He would want to protect them. If there’s ever a way to prevent evil shit from taking place he’s enlisting the first day. And he'd be so excited to do that. Finally there's a very good reason for him to exist - finally he can contribute something good to the world)
And then im likeee…. paladins fall though. Thats, like, one of the most iconic things about them as a class. Which makes me think about that one RP story wherein a paladin player explained in exacting detail why they don't fear the fall, they seek it out (ironically that character's name was also Peter, so, ??? neat!)
But even THAT'S not right for this question. That's not embracing evil - thats being willing to give up everything you have to prevent this specific evil right now. That's STILL not it.
And besides - how would Peter ever end up in a situation like this anyway? He's bitty. When is he ever the one with the most authority or power in any situation, to even be doing something like this? To even have the opportunity to embrace a slippery slope into cruelty by following a road of what he swears were good intentions?
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lynaferns · 1 year ago
So, it's been a year since I drew this and idk, I'm still pretty proud. I still have it as my blog banner.
There are some things here and there that I would have done differently now, wish I did an actual background. But there are so many things in this drawing that I look back at and still looks good like the hands and the teeth, the folds of the pants, the chains, and the perspective.
In a way it's also a visual proof that my best works comes out of spite and/or anger, which is simultaneously funny and sad.
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(EDIT: I’ve been seeing many people tag this as ‘fnaf sun’, just to let you know, this is actually an eclipse fanart/interpretation, sorry for the misunderstanding.)
I’ve decided that it’s finished (before I go insane)
I wanted to stack the last 3 images under a cut but I couldn’t make it work
I need to get better at coloring so I don’t waste so many details of the lineart… or get better at lineart so I don’t do so many details that will go to waste
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welcometoteyvat · 16 days ago
pov gifs get more interaction and take less time to make than graphics i want to go insane
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